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In this section is the UML representation of the application

photo of the UML

A screenshot of the updated UML updated UML

Here you can see all the class components used in the application. This does not include functional components as they will mostly serve as a view without much logic.

A little bit about react-native

Every class has this method called render(). This method shows HTML or JSX and is needed for all classes. Most classes also use a method called ComponentDidMount. This is a lifecycle method provided by react-native and will run when your component is added (mounted) to the page. After your component has been removed from the screen, it will call ComponentWillUnmount. Some pages have this object called this.state, this is a value that is kept in the constructor and here you can add values in JSON format.

Also, keep in mind: You cannot render a <Text></Text> tag without it being in some sort of view tag like a <View></View> tag first!

Last update: June 20, 2023