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Building the app


For setting up the react native enviroment you can follow the steps on this website: React Native Enviroment Setup

  • You need to clone our gitlab repository
  • Have Android Studio installed
  • Have an Android SDK installed
  • Have set the enviroment variables for android
  • Have an Android emulator or Android Phone with usb debugging wired to the computer

Where can I find the react native project

When you have cloned the project, you can find the react native files in the /react_app folder.

Building Android version of the react native app

First open the terminal or command prompt. Then change the directory to the project folder and also go into react_app/android. To build the Android app you have to execute the following command: ./gradlew app:assembleRelease.

This will build the apk without signed key it is thus not fit to be released to an app store.

The apk can than be found in the android folder under app/build/outputs/apk/release the file of the apk is: app-release.apk

Is there already a existing apk?

We already have build a apk for our project. You can find the apk when you go to the project folder and then in the /apks folder.

Last update: April 20, 2023