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To give an impression on how the remote could look like a 3d casing was designed. The files can be found under 3d-designs in the root folder, here the openscad files and stls are stored to remake the case, the settings for printing can be found in the next paragraph.


The design was made in openscad no standard settings were changed.

Image of case openscad

Image of the realized case in openscad, the image shows an opening for the usb c port which is accomedates the width of our usb cables

Image of case openscad

Image of the realized lid in openscad, the image shows the holes for the buttons and a way to press the lid on the buttons

3D printer settings

The lid was printed with Mixed quality on an Creality Ender 3 Pro and the case was also printed on the same printer but with regular settings, changed from the normal settings were the following:

  • infill 20%
  • type skirt as buildplate adhesion


Image of case

Image of the realized case for the esp32 and prototype circuitboard

Image of case

Image of the realized case with lid for the esp32 and prototype circuitboard

Image of case

Image of the full pcb in case with cable

Image of case

Image of completed case design as intended



The following requirements were gathered after the first forementioned prototype case.

  • Rounder to be more ergonomic
  • Better looking design; e.g. not a straight angled box
  • Be able to be sticked on a cane

Casing design

A new design was made in fusion 360 allowing more detailed design due to easier tools and gui. This program was found after doing some research on the internet and the recommendation of a fellow class member because the author found the original program OpenScad not sufficient for making detailed high quality designs. The following design was realized with this program:

Image of case

Image of the front of the case showing rounded edges and improved ergonomic design

Image of case

Image of the back of the case showing a recessed spot to allow attachments to be placed on


The prototype was also printed but failed the first time due to the lack of supports.

Image of case

Image of misprint

The next print with supports was sucessfull and resulted in the following design after some scraping to remove the supports, (print settings otherwise were the same as in the beginning besides adding supports).

Image of case

Image of the remote on the actual cane as designed

Image of case

Image of the backside of remote showing flat attachment point for attachments for example to the cane

Image of case

Image of the remote top front side

Image of case

Image of the remote as designed

Image of case

Image of the remote as designed

Image of case

Image of the remote as designed

Image of case

Image of the remote showing with attachment

Image of case

Image of the remote showing the pressfit which keeps the lid on despite having an esp inside

Last update: April 20, 2023