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Assignment 1

“How does one convince millions of people to believe particular stories about gods, nations, limited companies, and the internet of Things?”

My explanation:

Since the beginning of the formation of human societies, it has been based on the need to believe in something all the time. In gods, heroes, authorities, which gradually permeates the entire history of mankind. Today, there is still a need to believe in something, but the methods of spreading stories, of convincing, are still evolving and changing. In the past it was mainly through oral storytelling, fairy tales, myths and sermons. Today, awareness is spread mainly through the media, television, the newspapers, the Internet, etc.

What does this tell me about the evolution of human culture?

From the beginning of the development of mankind, from 10 thousand years ago when agricultural society began to take shape, it was necessary to believe mainly in the gods of the harvest, by the fact that there was already planning and a surplus of commodities, social orders were formed, individual ruling elites, who in return for protecting the working people drew from them the surplus of their labor. They secured influence over them through priests and belief in gods. Since the Scientific Revolution, there has been a gradual shift from a belief in the supernatural to a belief communicated to us by the ruling garrison through the media and the virus that they are taking the steps necessary to keep us comfortable and safe, and to get re-elected. So faith has been with us for over 12,000 years…

Assignment 2

Find an article on how IoT could come up with a solution (one is enough) for the problem of climate change and write a summary.:

I found this article: The Article.

IoT technologies can play an important role in solving climate change by enabling more efficient use of resources, reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices. It may seem that not much is being done to protect the environment yet, but many organisations are turning to the IoT to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and other environmental risks. Ericsson reports that connected communications technologies (ICT) such as the IoT can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 15% by 2030. By addressing energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution, IoT can help reduce climate change-related impacts.

How do your findings fit in with the assignment of week 1 dealing with narratives.:

My finding fits that we are constantly moving or evolving forward. I also think that we humans have become accustomed to adapting to different conditions and environments. We should not be afraid of the modern world.

Assignment 3

Why has the globalization narrative become a globally contested issue?

  • Because globalisation brings with it a number of negative elements such as economic uncontrollable flows of money that get some countries or societies into trouble, even though global consumption is growing, a significant part of the population remains outside this growth, especially in developing countries. Globalisation weakens the role of the nation state, which affects especially smaller countries and the less developed. The global market is displacing some products and goods which, although traditional in each country, are unable to compete.

Why do competing conceptions of ‘world order’ have political and economic consequences? Could you give some examples?

  • Because the strong players (superpowers) each have a different political set-up which is reflected in their aspirations and ideas about the world order. They always want to apply the system that is established in their country and try to incline other countries to it, both politically and especially economically. If I have a product with which I am trying to establish myself in today’s global market, it is necessary to make it known (global), that is, to present it in advertisements, on the Internet…

How would globalisation impact your company?

  • Because I want to expand globally, I am influenced by individual economic conditions in other countries, similar products that are competitive to mine. I have to adapt my company to be able to cope with global competition, to make advertising meaningful globally, that is, to take into account the individual norms, requirements of different countries, nations and societies.

Assignment 4

Will China come to dominate the IoT industry in the foreseeable future? Will this be a threat? Find an article that shed a light on these two questions.:

I found this article: The Article.

China is trying to be dominant in the internet as well. This year, it launched a large experimental prototype of the “internet of the future” in Beijing. It will test different options and technologies over the next five to ten years. The project aims to connect as many devices as possible, including cars, into one smart software with artificial intelligence. The new network is said to prevent data leaks that are occurring elsewhere in the world. In fact, China is building the world’s largest 5G network and many new smart technologies are expected to be connected to the internet in the near future, including self-driving cars. These devices will need huge amounts of data and will not tolerate any delays in communication, and each of them needs a unique identification address. The current internet cannot handle any of this. The more devices that are connected to the Internet, the greater the risk of a potential cyber-attack. Another reason for the mass testing is to ensure maximum security using special protocols, which are also being developed by Chinese researchers. For example, the algorithm will have the ability to locate and identify any device at any time, which experts say is a major invasion of people’s privacy. The Chinese network is not intended to be isolated, but rather connected to all existing ones, including the European FIRE or the American GENI, as well as various experimental networks from different countries around the world. The aim is, among other things, to extend its influence in the surrounding countries.

Assignment 5

Please explain briefly your own interest in Intercultural Business Communication.

  • I think that intercultural business communication is an important area of study and practice in today’s globalised world. Therefore, not only me, but everyone should be interested in knowing how intercultural business communication works. It can also influence business success. Intercultural business communication is not only limited to interactions between individuals from different countries, but also between individuals from different regions or ethnic groups for example. Understanding and adapting to these differences can lead to more effective communication, better teamwork and better business results.

How does Intercultural Business Communication link to your IoT studies? Please give some ideas of how you could combine or apply business perspective to your selected field of studies.

  • Intercultural business communication is central to the study of IoT because it provides the means to communicate and collaborate effectively across cultural boundaries, supports trust and understanding, and enables businesses to take full advantage of IoT technologies in a globalised world. For example, studying IoT can enable optimised supply chain management or help organisations identify cyber security risks and develop strategies to prevent cyber attacks and data leaks.

What was especially interesting or even surprising for you in this material?

  • Honestly, since I have been studying IoT for almost a short time and only here on the Erasmus + program, I have learned a lot of new things that I somehow didn’t even think that IoT could be related to or somehow help. For example, that IoT is involved in solving the climate change situation. Or that a business perspective can provide valuable insights into how the IoT can be used to create value, increase efficiency and drive innovation across industries.


Assignment 6

Describe what the circular economy is and how the Internet of Things could help to create loops throughout to recapture value that would otherwise be lost.:

The circular economy is an economic system that aims to keep resources running as long as possible and eliminate waste and pollution through regenerative, restorative and circular principles. In a circular economy, products and materials are designed to be reused, repaired and recycled, and waste is minimized through careful management and recovery of resources. Below is one way the Internet of Things can help create loops within the circular economy:

  • Smart Waste management: IoT sensors can be used to monitor the amount of waste, enabling more efficient collection and transportation of waste. This can reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and increase the amount that can be recycled.

Describe how the Internet of Things could enable the Circular Economy through the implementation of technologies, with repurpose and re-use in mind, in the design and production of our products.

  • The Internet of Things can enable a circular economy by introducing technologies that prioritise reuse and recovery in the design and manufacture of products. By embedding sensors, connectivity and data analytics, IoT can optimise resource use, reduce waste and create closed loops throughout the supply chain. For example, in tracking material. The IoT can track the movement of materials and products throughout the supply chain, enabling efficient and effective use of resources. By identifying the source and composition of materials, IoT can facilitate the reuse of valuable resources.

Explain how the Internet of Things could help the Circular Economy to grow at a faster pace.

  • The Internet of Things can help the circular economy grow faster by enabling more efficient use of resources, data analytics, collaborative usage and new sources of revenue. By using the power of IoT, companies and individuals can create a more sustainable and regenerative economic system that benefits both the environment and the economy.

Source. Source.

Last update: May 7, 2023