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Embedded device

System Requirements

This is what my system requirements look like:

Requirement ID# Requirement MoSCoW Compliant
EMBRQ#01 Embedded device sends measured sensordata to the application backend over http or https. MUST YES
EMBRQ#02 Embedded device receives or retrieves status messages from the application backend over http or https. MUST YES
EMBRQ#03 The embedded device contains at least two input sensors (e.g. LDR, buttons, joystick, capacitive touch, etc.). MUST YES
EMBRQ#04 The embedded device contains at least two visual and/or sensory outputs (e.g. LED, LED Matrix, 7-segement display, motor, servo, actuator,LCD-screen, etc.). MUST YES
EMBRQ#05 The embedded device uses the wifi manager for configuration of SSID, User ID (UID) en Password (PWD) for connecting to the network. MUST YES


My embedded device sends the measured data to the backend of the application via http. I can then see the results of the numbers on my frontend web page. It sends it to dice type 6 and dice type 9. Dice type “D06” will only generate numbers from 1 to 6. And dice type “D09” will generate numbers from 0 to 9.

  WiFiClient client;                               // Get current wifi connection
  HTTPClient httpClient;                           // Client HTTP request
  DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer(JSON_NUMBER);
  jsonBuffer["JSON_NUMBER"] = currentNumber;

    if (currentNumber > 6 ) {
      jsonBuffer["dice_type"] = "DICE_TYPE_6";
    } else {
      jsonBuffer["dice_type"] = "DICE_TYPE_9";

  String jsonString;
  serializeJson(jsonBuffer, jsonString);

  httpClient.begin(client, URL);

  int httpResponseCode = httpClient.POST(jsonString);  // Send post request


My device is able to read if message has been successfully received or not and writes a reply.

if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    String response = httpClient.getString();

    // Parse the JSON response and retrieve the "message" field
    DynamicJsonDocument jsonResult(JSON_NUMBER);
    deserializeJson(jsonResult, response);
    String message = jsonResult["message"];
    Serial.println("Response message: " + message);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to retrieve message from API.");


Two Input Buttons. One button (push_button_1) generates numbers from 1 to 6. And the other button (push_button_2) generates numbers from 0 to 9. And I also have a IR Remote controller with IR Receiver as input.

Code reading buttons:

void loop()
  int push_button_1 = digitalRead(lowButton);
  int push_button_2 = digitalRead(highButton);
  // If either push button is pressed, generate a new random number and display the corresponding LED pattern
  if (push_button_1 == LOW) {
    random_int = random(1, 7); // Generate a random number between 1 and 6
// Wait for 2 seconds before allowing another roll

  if (push_button_2 == LOW)
    random_int = random(1, 10); // Generate a random number between 1 and 9

Code reading IR Receiver:

IRrecv receiver(irPin);

decode_results results;

void setup()
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

  void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value


Only one 7 segment display, displaying the random number. I use the buzzer as another output.

Code reading Buzzer:

void buzzerSound(){
  tone(buzzer, TONEBUZER); // Send 1KHz sound signal...
  delay(BUZERDELAY);        // ...for 1 sec
  noTone(buzzer);     // Stop sound...

Code reading 7 segment display number zero:

switch (num)
    case 0:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);


The embedded device is used by the wifi manager to authenticate and connect to the network via http. That’s why I use the Wemos D1 mini with my Arduino Uno.

WiFiManager wm;
bool res;
res = wm.autoConnect("GeacubeAP", "password"); //password protected ap

Program Code

Below is the code for my Wemos D1 mini and Arduino. ⬇️

Wemos D1 mini code

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#define BAUD 115200
#define DELAY 1000
#define CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type"
#define APPLICATION_JSON "application/json"
#define DICE_TYPE_6 "D06"
#define DICE_TYPE_9 "D09"
#define RESPONSE "response"
#define JSON_NUMBER "1024"
#define CONNECTED "connected"
#define ZERO 0
#define NUMBER 6

 * This C++ script builts the DigitalDice.
 * @author Lucie Banszelova
 * @license MIT License

int currentNumber = 0;
String URL = "";  // API endpoint URL

void setup() {
  const char* ssid = "Your_SSID";  // Change to your Wi-Fi network SSID
  const char* password = "Your_Password";        // Change to your Wi-Fi network password

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  // Wait until the board is connected to the Wi-Fi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connecting to Wi-Fi...");
  Serial.println("Connected to Wi-Fi.");

void loop() {

  currentNumber = Serial.parseInt();  // reads number from arduino
  if (currentNumber > ZERO)              //when the number is more than zero

void addRoll(int currentNumber) {
  WiFiClient client;                               // Get current wifi connection
  HTTPClient httpClient;                           // Client HTTP request
  DynamicJsonDocument jsonBuffer(JSON_NUMBER);
  jsonBuffer[JSON_NUMBER] = currentNumber;

    if (currentNumber > NUMBER ) {
      jsonBuffer["dice_type"] = "DICE_TYPE_6";
    } else {
      jsonBuffer["dice_type"] = "DICE_TYPE_9";

  String jsonString;
  serializeJson(jsonBuffer, jsonString);

  httpClient.begin(client, URL);

  int httpResponseCode = httpClient.POST(jsonString);  // Send post request
  if (httpResponseCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
    String response = httpClient.getString();

    // Parse the JSON response and retrieve the "message" field
    DynamicJsonDocument jsonResult(JSON_NUMBER);
    deserializeJson(jsonResult, response);
    String message = jsonResult["message"];
    Serial.println("Response message: " + message);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Failed to retrieve message from API.");

void setup() {
   WiFiManager wm;
   bool res;
   res = wm.autoConnect("GeacubeAP", "password"); //password protected ap

   if (!res) {
  Serial.println("Failed to connect");
   else {
      //if you get here you have a connected to the WiFi

Arduino Uno code

#include <IRremote.h>
#define SERIAL 115200
#define BUTTONDELAY 200
#define TONEBUZER 980
#define BUZERDELAY 1000
#define APPLICATIONJS "application/json"
#define DICETYPE6 "D06"
#define DICETYPE9 "D09"
#define RESPONSE "response"
#define SERIAL_RECEIVER 9600
#define DELAY 100
#define NUMBER_ONE 1
#define NUMBER_SEVEN 7
#define NUMBER_TEN 10

 * This C++ script builts the DigitalDice.
 * @author Lucie Banszelova
 * @license MIT License

const int A = 2;
const int B = 3;
const int C = 4;
const int D = 7;
const int E = 8;
const int F = 12;
const int G = 13;

const int lowButton = 6;
const int highButton = 9;

const int buzzer = 11; //buzzer to arduino pin 15
const int irPin = 10;
int random_int = 0;
IRrecv receiver(irPin);

decode_results results;

void setup() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // Turn off built-in LED
  pinMode(lowButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(highButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(C, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(E, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(F, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(G, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // Set buzzer as an output
  // Wait until the board is connected to the Wi-Fi network

void loop() {
  int push_button_1 = digitalRead(lowButton);
  int push_button_2 = digitalRead(highButton);
  // If either push button is pressed, generate a new random number and display the corresponding LED pattern
  if (push_button_1 == LOW) {
    random_int = random(NUMBER_ONE, NUMBER_SEVEN); // Generate a random number between 1 and 6
// Wait for 2 seconds before allowing another roll

  if (push_button_2 == LOW)
    random_int = random(NUMBER_ONE, NUMBER_TEN); // Generate a random number between 1 and 9

  // If neither push button is pressed, display the last generated random number
  else {
void buzzerSound(){
  tone(buzzer, TONEBUZER); // Send 1KHz sound signal...
  delay(BUZERDELAY);        // ...for 1 sec
  noTone(buzzer);     // Stop sound...

void sendNumb(int random)
    Serial.write(random); //send numbers to Wemos
    buzzerSound(); // make sound to wemos

void setup()
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

  void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

void displayLED(int num) {
  // Turn off all LEDs
    digitalWrite(A, LOW);
  digitalWrite(B, LOW);
  digitalWrite(C, LOW);
  digitalWrite(D, LOW);
  digitalWrite(E, LOW);
  digitalWrite(F, LOW);
  digitalWrite(G, LOW);
  // Display the corresponding LED pattern for the given number
  switch (num) {
    case 0:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
    case 2:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
    case 5:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
    case 6:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
      case 7:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
    case 8:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
      case 9:
      digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(G, HIGH);

Hardware overview

Here you can see a common cathode diagram:

Alternative text

(Scheme from Microsoft Excel)

If the user presses the first green button on the right, the numbers from 1 to 6 should be displayed. When the user presses the second green button on the left, the numbers from 0 to 9 should be displayed. As an additional input I added ir remote and ir receiver. If the button on the ir remote is pressed, the number is also displayed. Every time a number appears, the cube should make a sound. That’s why the buzzer is added as an output.

Alternative text

The picture shows a random number after pressing the button.To make the cube work, you need to connect two USB C cables to the Wemos D1 mini and Arduino uno. I decided to use both because I didn’t have enough pins on the Wemos D1 mini. For better cable management I will be using a USB hub.

Alternative text

Wiring diagram

I tried really hard to design a circuit to display the dice values on a 7segment display using WeMos D1 mini (pro), Arduino Uno with other important components like: Arduino Logic Level Converter, Breadboard prototype and lots of connectors for cables and other…I had to use Arduino uno because of the missing pins. And I have to use Wemos D1 mini, because of the requirement to have Wi-Fi. The circuit diagram is shown in the picture below:

Alternative text


The Fritzing Program.

Bill of Materials

To create my first digital 7-segment dice project, I will need the following components:

Part# Manufacturer Description Quantity Price (incl VAT) Subtotal (incl VAT) Example url
003910 Lolin Wemos D1 Mini V4 - ESP8266 - CH340 1 EUR 7,00 EUR 7,00
000539 DuPont DuPont Jumper wire Female-Female 10cm 10 wires 2 EUR 0,50 EUR 1,00
LS-00019 OSEPP Electronics LTD BREADBOARD - 830 TIE POINTS 1 EUR 7,00 EUR 7,00
LTS-4802BJR-H1 Lite-On Inc. DISPLAY 7SEG 0.39” SGL RED 10DIP 1 EUR 1,75 EUR 2,00
RESISTORSET2W - 110Ω Vishay 10Ω-1MΩ Resistor Set - 2 Watt 1 EUR 7,00 EUR 7,00
RESISTORSET2W - 110Ω Vishay 10Ω-1MΩ Resistor Set - 2 Watt 1 EUR 7,00 EUR 7,00
RESISTORSET2W - 120Ω Vishay 10Ω-1MΩ Resistor Set - 2 Watt 1 EUR 7,00 EUR 7,00
TC-R13-23A-05DGN TRU COMPONENTS TRU COMPONENTS TC-R13-23A-05DGN Druktoets 250 V/AC 1.5 A 1x uit/(aan) Moment 1 stuk(s) 2 EUR 1,64 EUR 3,28
238-038 RS PRO RS PRO 83dB Through Hole Continuous Internal Piezo Buzzer, 24 (Dia.) x 17.5mm, 3V dc Min, 20V dc Max 1 EUR 4,84 EUR 4,84
A000066 Arduino Arduino UNO REV.3 1 EUR 38,99 EUR 39,00
ELC3008 Adafruit 8 Channel Bi-directional Logic Level Converter Module Pro 1 EUR 1,40 EUR 2,00
000111 Vishay IR sensor module with remote and battery 1 EUR 3,50 EUR 4,00
8016 Vector Electronics BREADBOARD GENERAL PURPOSE PTH 1 EUR 17,00 EUR 17,00

The Useful Web. The Useful Web. The Wiring Diagram. The Scheme Common Cathode.

Last update: April 24, 2023