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How can my “Geacube” make the viewer experience in public gaming competitions more enjoyable?


In my profile section I chose to do research on the question: “How can my “Geacube” make the viewer experience in public gaming competitions more enjoyable?”. My product is a six-sided cube, that generates numbers. If the user presses the first green button on the right, the numbers from 1 to 6 should be displayed. When the user presses the second green button on the left, the numbers from 0 to 9 should be displayed. If the button on the ir remote is pressed, the number is also displayed. Every time a number appears, the cube should make a sound.

Public gaming competitions have become a popular form of amusement, with many audiences watching professional and non-professional players competing for cash or other valuable prizes. The audience experience is an essential aspect of these competitions and organisers are constantly looking for ways to improve it. My Geacube is a product designed to enhance the spectator experience by providing an immersive and interactive experience. And the purpose of my research question is to explore the potential of the Geacube product in improving the spectator experience in public gaming competitions.

Research method

The research method is mainly based on my ideas, conversations with friends and players. From which I would get more ideas for improving the audience experience at public competitions.


Geacube has the potential to enhance the viewer experience in several ways. In comparing Geacube to other cubes, you can see that Geacube is significantly larger, which leads to better visibility of the results for viewers. There are, however, plenty of other ideas for improvements that can make the audience experience more enjoyable during a gaming competition. One of my ideas for an improvement that also relates to visibility is to add a Bluetooth device that could then be connected with the screen that would be in a visible location during a particular gaming competition. Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology that allows devices to exchange data over short distances without the need for wires or cables.

My second idea is to improve the sound system. The Geacube already has a buzzer, but I could improve the sound system in such a way that when rolling, a sound called “Rock Kick Down Stairs” would be heard: The Rolling Sound. And as soon as the Geacube would hit and generate the result, a sound called “Kick Drum” would sound: The Resulting Sound. This audio upgrade makes it much more obvious to the audience, as they either still hear the roll being generated and also hear when the result is generated.

The last of my three main ideas for improvement is to develop a new web and mobile app where the viewer will be able to look in the database, for example directly on their phone, what all results the dice has already generated before the current roll. Audience will be able to register for the app for free. They will have to enter their email, nickname and create a password. However, they will also have the opportunity to try to guess the result that Geacube has yet to generate. If the viewer guesses the result, a congratulatory email will be sent to the viewer informing them that they have won a prize. The prize will either be an item from the public competition organiser or a sponsor.


To find out which of these improvements the audience would be most interested in. I created a survey offering these three ideas and sent it out to potential viewers.

Here is the link to the questionnaire and below the photos. The Survey.

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From the questionnaires I got this graph, where you can clearly see that 72 respondents were most impressed by the new sound system. 85 respondents were most impressed by the new web or mobile application. And 120 respondents were most impressed by the addition of Bluetooth, which allows them to see the results displayed prominently on the screen during the public competition.

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The results of this research show that Geacube has the potential to improve the viewer experience in multiple ways.


The explanation of the individual improvements can be found in the “Content” section. ⬆️


For example, the implementation of a mobile application, so the appearance would look like this:

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In conclusion, Geacube has the potential to enhance the viewer experience of public gaming competitions by providing an interactive experience. This research has provided insight into the potential of Geacube in improving the viewer experience. As the gaming industry continues to grow, the use of technology to improve the audience experience will become increasingly important. Geacube is one product that has the potential to completely transform the way audiences see public gaming competitions and provide a more engaging and enjoyable experience for viewers.


Based on my research, I would personally focus on the most wanted improvements and implement them. I would also recommend my product more to organizers who want to implement this technology.


The Survey Web. The Useful Web. The Photo Design. The Useful Web.

Last update: April 16, 2023