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Business and Trends

On this page I keep track of my Business and Trends assignments.

Week 1

Assignment Workshop 1

This workshop deals with The telling of stories and convincing everyone to believe in it.

  • Much of history revolves around this question: how does one convince millions of people to believe particular stories about gods, nations, limited companies, and the internet of Things? Explain this statement. (50 words):

The entire concept of myths and stories is based on trust. Trusting in an idea that only exists in our mind. People use and have used stories to make sense of the world around them. For example: the existence of multiple Greek gods to explain different emotions and happenings in nature.

  • What does this tell you about the evolution of human culture (50 words):

The narratives the humans share creates culture. Shared narratives allow humans to work together in harmony and build their surroundings. What this tells me about evolution is that a big part of human evolution is built up on trust in a narrative/culture.

Week 2

Assignment Workshop 2

IoT platforms have shown recently how they can help us in staying connected to nature, and harnessing resources for our users without having to compromise on environmental sustainability.

Find an article on how IoT could come up with a solution (one is enough) for the problem of climate change and write a summary (100 words).

Forbes article

This article starts off by talking about how a company named Ameresco used IoT to replace a steam plant by 20.000 solar modules in South Carolina. This new system can be monitored and the energy supply can be adjusted to the current demand. This saves valuable energy. Then the article talks about how another company, Bosch, produces a smart thermostat. Allowing households to regulate their energy use. It ends by talking about how the use of IoT can solve car congestion in cities and reduce carbon emission.

How do your findings fit in with the assignment of week 1 dealing with narratives. (30 words)

There is a shared narrative of having to save energy. I find that there are many different ways of saving energy, but that people trust in the idea of having to save it. This allows many small narratives to develop.

Week 3

Assignment Workshop 2

Globalization is a political perspective that views the world as a whole. Its cultural approach emphasizes the political and economic importance of the changing ideas of people who want to participate in a world that becomes smaller and smaller.

Why has the globalization narrative become a globally contested issue?

Many companies have out-sourced their manufacturing department to other (often poorer) countries to make their products cheaper in order to compete in a global market. However, this has caused supply chain issues which have been enhanced by natural disasters and a global pandemic. The supply chain issues cause long waiting times and rising prices for products.

Why do competing conceptions of ‘world order’ have political and economic consequences?

It has consequences because economic globalization is born out of a political choice. To participate in a global economy a country has to allow cross-border trade, flow of international captical and wide spread of technology. Now different countries have different opinions of world order. While some countries are mostly export, others choose to produce themselves and export and import very little. This can cause the economy of a country to be impacted.

Last update: October 18, 2022