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Physical design



The product is shaped in a way to look like a building. The corners are smooth to give a more modern and soft appearance. The wood is used for the same reason. The LED adds a personal touch with a welcome message, and the sensor is the part where you scan your card. The glass panes add an element of freshness to the design and make it stand out more.

Physical productFlat Physical product3D image first version

Physical product 3D image with the cm included.




The goal

The goal of the product is to be able to let employees check in and out. The employer and the employee should be able to keep track of their time in the office. Knowing how much you work is important in order to keep a good working scedule and prevent a possible burn-out.

How it works

How the game works**

Digital manufacturing materials and methods

Digital manufacturing technique(s) and material(s)

Het materiaal wat ik ga gebruiken is multiplex hout (2mm of 3mm) voor de buitenkant. Voor de ramen wil ik of graveren en dan verven of vakjes uitsnijden en kunststof gebruiken. Alles wil ik snijden met de lasercutter.

Material properties

De structuur en het uiterlijk van het hout past bij het moderne gevoel wat ik wil geven aan het product. Kunststof kan goed het uiterlijk van ramen nabootsen. Hout en kunststof zijn lichte materialen wat handig kan zijn als dit product opgehangen moet worden aan een wand of muur. Ook kunnen ze goed tegen regen, kou en hitte.

Speed of creating

De materialen zijn redelijk goedkoop en makkelijk in elkaar te zetten. Productie zal niet al te lang duren, maar heeft wel precisie nodig. De lasercutter is redelijk snel maar kan niet op de hoogste stand, want dan verliest het zijn precisie. Bij elkaar zal het proces minimaal 1.5 uur en maximaal 3 uur duren.


Digital Designdigital design

To make this digital design I used the website MakerCase. Tinkering with the options gives you the ability to create the box you want. I chose this software cause it was my first time making something digital and 3D and this was a very easy and free program I used. My design process was mostly trying things out and looking at the design I made to see if it could work and fit.

I would recommend upping the bend radious bij 5mm minimal just to be sure. If you go below the bend radius your printed product can break when you try to bend it.


Digital DesignPrototype design

On Wednesday October 12th I went to the Makers Lab in TTH with my boyfriend to make the first version of my prototype. What works on this first version of the design is that the side is broad enough for the sensors to fit. The curve on the side works as expected. It is more curved than I would like, but it was the first try.


After making my first version I created a second version of the design: Digital DesignSecond version design

And the third version of the design I made with help of Illustrator. I added some boxes for the sensors and windows for decoration.

Digital DesignSecond version design

Download link

I used the laser cutter at the Makers Lab at the TTH. I used a 4mm fibre wood plank. The printing took about 20 minutes, at 75% speed of cutting and 80% on scanning. The program I used had pre-set settings and I used those. Do remember, if you have more than 35mm bend radius, it might take longer, all those bends have to be individually cut.

Taking everything into account (setting up, framing it right, weighing down the wood and preparing everything) it took me about an hour and a half.

These are the specifics: (all outside dimensions) - Width: 120.12mm - Height: 126mm - Depth: 92,07mm

  • Material thickness: 3mm (but is personal choice)
  • Closed box
  • Number of bends: 4
  • Bend radius: 35mm
  • Finger size: highest possible
  • Cut line width: 0.25mm

Note: I was not able to re-create this prototype as a product. These are all just plans and ask advice if needed to experts present when making this.


Looking back on the whole process I look back on it with a good feeling. From the start I had an idea in mind and stuck by it. For what the product was supposed to be, I think it does a good job. I, however, was not able to fully realise the design I wanted. This is mostly due to not having experience in creating a physical product. In the furutre I would give myself more time to learn and use different materials.



I did not have the right measurements in my first drawing and idea so I had to add those later and think more about it. Next time, I would put the measurements in first.


I would put more time into preparing before using the laser cutter. I did not know how much wood I needed and had to buy later. I could have prepared more and have everything ready to go. So I would prepare more.


Show up on time! I would not show up 5 minutes beforehand but more like 15 to set everything up.


Not measuring the materials I had to use. So I did not measure what I needed and that took me so much time. Thankfully my boyfriend helped me. Next time, I would write everything down beforehand.


Prototype too big. For the first time I think I might have made the prototype a bit too big, so I would try to make a smaller one and then look how it functions before making a bigger one.

Last update: November 1, 2022