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In the profile phase, I’ll work on the User Interaction.

Profile Research


Usually when I go out with friends, we play a drinking game. We often play the game Ride the bus (bussen in dutch). You can check the rules here. In this game, you eventually have to assign a number of drinks to someone of your choice. People often pick the same people for this which can lead to others feeling left out. I’ve made a digital dice where people don’t have to choose themselves, who has to take a shot. My dice does that for you: roll number 2 to take a shot.You are not supposed to have the digital dice in your hand when rolling number 2, because then you have to take a shot. Roll number 1 or 6 to give the another person, otherwise the dice sticks with you and the chances of rolling number 2 will be higher.

But at what extent does this actually contribute to a fun evening? Are people still having the same fun using my dice as when they play Ride the bus (or another drinking game)? Or even more? Or less?

I’m targetting people of 18 years and older for my research, because that is the minimum age of consuming alcohol.

Disclaimer: the users should know their limit and have the ability to stop drinking when they don’t want to anymore.

Main question

I want to take away the problem where people have to choose for themselves who has to take a shot. The dice roll tells the players what to do. Because it’s the intention not to roll number 2 (or do), the game is more competitive. I want to know at what extent the dice contributes to a fun evening.

The research question I therefore will be answering is “How does my digital dice contribute to a fun evening during a drinking game, used by people of 18 years and older?”


To choose a fitting method, I went to the cmdmethods page. This website contains research methods divided into several research strategies. For my research, I let my target group use my digital dice and interviewed them after that to understand their opinions, goals and behaviour.

Results: presentation

For my research, I let my target group hold my prototype to get a feel and use my digital dice (in combonation with my front end website). I interviewed a 19 and a 22 year old who both like to drink and play drinking games. I wanted to compare the level of ‘fun’ by comparing their fun to playing Ride the bus.

What do you like about playing drinking games? - You can use drinking games to pass the time. For example, when you have nothing left to say, you can play drinking games to still have fun when you have to wait until you go to the club or something. I also think it’s funny and nice to see who gets completely drunk first.

  • It makes the evening and drinking more fun and enjoyable. You can involve more people to drink together. You can play it with a small group, but also with a large group.

Do you tend to give away shots to the same person? Why? - I generally try to divide the shots. But if someone gives me shots all the time or I just want to screw someone over, I’ll give that person the shots.

  • Yeah, because I want to get that person drunk just to tease them or loosen them up.

What do you think of my digital dice game? - It would definitely be a game I would play with my friends. It is easy to play and you are not limited to anything. This makes the game accessible to everyone. I also think it’s a good idea that you show on your website what the dice means. People that can’t see the person that’s holding the dice, can see the dice roll and meaning on there.

  • I really like the game. It is something new. I don’t have to choose who I give my shot to, because the dice does that for me. I think it fits with our generarion that uses technology to make something more fun.

Would you rather play Ride the Bus or use my digital dice? Why? - I think it’s nice to use the digital dice for a change, because you have something new once again instead of always the same game of Ride the bus. But I think that Ride the bus is a little easier because almost everyone knows it and you don’t have to explain anything anymore. But if you want to try something new, I would definitely recommend this game.

  • Your digital dice, because it’s nice to have something new/a new game.

What do you think about the physical design? - I think this can work. It’s not that big, so you can easily have this at home. I just don’t think it’s very convenient to take to the pub, because I would forget it. I also think it’s not very difficult to take with you compared to a pack of cards that you need for Ride the bus.

  • I think everything is in the right place. I also think the size is good, because I think you tend to lose something when it’s smaller so this is the right size.

*What would you change to my digital dice game? - I don’t think I would change anything about the game itself. I would rather have an app than a website, because an app is on your phone and often works better than a website on your mobile. Suppose you go to the pub, you do not take your laptop with you. You always have your phone with you, so an app would be more convenient than a website. If an app is not possible, I would still use the website so that everyone can see what the dice roll and the meaning of the dice roll.

  • I think it would also be nice if you used sound. For example if you roll 2, you hear confetti or something. I think this will make the game more entertaining. I also find the red LED light for when you roll 2 a bit standard. It would be more fun if the LED would go off in multiple colors, so that you have a bit more of a ‘I have to take a shot’ feeling.

Results: analysis

My target group likes to play drinking games, because it makes the evening more fun and you can play the games while waiting to go to the club. My digital dice game is experienced as fun. It is new and easy to play. Most people are familiar with Ride the bus, so they don’t need an explanation for that game in comparision to my digital dice game. The size of the dice is good, but it’s not something that they would take with them to play outside of a house. If there is an opportunity, it’s better to have an app on your mobile phone instead of using a website. More people can play the game, because almost everyone has a mobile phone nowadays. Using sound and more colors for the LED will also make the digital dice game better.


The digital dice game I’ve created is considered a drinking game that my target group would play. It is a new game and my target group is also ready for that: they don’t always want to play Ride the bus (or something else). The players do need an explanation of the game.

I don’t necessarily think I need to change something about the dice game itself. I think it has the same effect as playing any other drinking game: it’s fun to play and it amuses people.


To better my digital dice game, I would: 1. provide an explanation of the game. Because the game is new, an explanation is needed so the players know what is expected from them.

Rules of the game

  1. implement a sound and more colors when the player rolls number 2 and has to take a shot.

  2. design a mobile app instead of a website, so everyone can download the app on their mobile phone instead of using a laptop. I used this websitefor the iphone mockup.

Dice game app

Last update: November 8, 2022